Brienne of Tarth

"Do you have any last words?"

Alive: 59.4%
Dead: 13.9%
Undead: 26.7%

Predictions History

→ Time →

0 gold available

Buy Alive tokens (worth 100 points each if Brienne of Tarth stays alive) price 59.4
Buy Dead tokens (worth 100 points each if Brienne of Tarth dies and does not become undead) price 13.9
Buy Undead tokens (worth 100 points each if Brienne of Tarth dies and becomes undead) price 26.7
Sell my Alive tokens (earn 59.4 each, 0 available)
Sell my Dead tokens (earn 13.9 each, 0 available)
Sell my Undead tokens (earn 26.7 each, 0 available)

Prices are approximate and adjust up or down as people buy or sell, including when you buy multiple tokens at a time.

Number of Tokens